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The Weightless Method™Coaching

You’re committed to go big or go home. You’re tired of the constantly fluctuating weight. You’re done with chronic dieting and over-exercising. You’re sick of doing everything your wellness magazines and diet books tell you to, and still getting lousy results.  Being stuck in the gain-lose-gain cycle literally weighs you down, physcially and emotionally.  

Fighting your weight time and time again, teaches the body to store fat.  It's why we live in a culture where women are beating themselves up for what they see in the mirror and a generation of girls who are watching (and taking notes!)

I'm on your side.

I know what you're capable of, even if you can't see that for yourself - yet.  I've personally been at the front lines of this battle and together, we can discover the best path forward for you.  It's time for you to be free of everything that is holding you back from living your life with joy and experince what it truly means to Be Weightless™.  

Weight loss is so much more than a math equation.  It's not as simple as eating less and moving more.  The Weightless Method™ is a powerful blend of psychology, nutrition and personal discovery that gets results.  

Coaching - Programs by Julie Felsher

Imagine . . .

Debunking and demystifying the food myths that keep you stuck & heavy

Feeling inspired while losing weight & eliminating self-sabotage

Preventing weight storage & rebound weight gain

Having a renewed sense of self and loving what you see in the mirror

The science we pay attention to

Inflammation in the Body: Balancing blood sugar, reducing toxin exposure and understanding food sensitivities puts out fires in the body and allows it to release stored fat.

Digestion: To boost the metabolism, manage cravings and feel satisfied, we need to make sure the digestive system is able to use the nutrients you take in.

Hormone Health: Creating balance in the body and mind, you’ll have the power to unlock big waves of energy, reclaim your libido, and burn fat.

What you get

Two 40-minute coaching sessions each month

Unlimited email support throughout the whole partnership

VIP access to the other programs I offer

Firm guidance and loving hand-holding to keep you accountable every step of the way


Real people, real results.

“... My clothes are fitting better, I have more energy, sleep better at night, and out of control cravings are a thing of the past.”

Christy Cegelski,

“...My energy has increased because I'm feeding my body right and I'm carrying around a lot less weight. ”

Elizabeth Wey, New Jersey

“...I feel sexier and happy with my body now that I am nourishing it and feeding it good, wholesome foods.”

Lina Zahlan, New Jersey